Breakthroughs in Educational Technology – From the Humble Blackboard for the Indispensable Smartboard
In case you enjoy wandering about the net in search of insights into the explosion in the use of technology in conventional classrooms and industrial settings, YouTube should make you feel like the “kid inside the candy store.”
On a current go-to, we stumbled across something fascinating inside a video entitled A Vision of Students Today. A graphic towards the finish with the video displayed the following comment about a revolutionary breakthrough in educational technology in the classroom. Here may be the quote:
The inventor of the system deserves to be ranked amongst the ideal contributors to learning and science, if not the greatest benefactors of mankind.
The author of the statement was an American educator named Josiah Bumstead. The year was 1841. And what was the “system” of which he spoke? The humble blackboard/chalkboard!
A single could speculate that as far back as the time with the Ancient Egyptians, …
Breakthroughs in Educational Technology – From the Humble Blackboard for the Indispensable Smartboard Read More