4 Reasons Why Students Like and Dislike Studying Online
Online studying has been popularized after the world was hit by the Coronavirus pandemic.
The countries’ education administration had no option but to send students home and have their education administered online.
While that is the main reason why students have to study online, the determiner of whether it is worth it, is the students.
Students share different opinions about online learning. Some prefer virtual classes while some prefer the conventional way. Let’s have a look at why they hold these opinions.
Reasons why students prefer online studies
It is less costly
With the financial strains brought during this pandemic, the last thing we want is to have huge amounts of student loans piling up.
Online studying has tried to help parents minimize school fees by charging reduced tuition.
Studying online also allows students to save money that would rather have been used to pay for student dorms, gas money, …
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