The Different Types of Adult Education and Their Benefits
When you think of adult education, you probably have different ideas about what type of program you’re looking for. Some of the different types are Postsecondary, Vocational, and Lifelong learning. Listed below are the different types of adult education and their benefits. You might want to explore each type for yourself. You may be surprised to find that you have more options than you thought! Here are a few tips for choosing the right program for you!
Formal and non-formal
In the 1990s, the English adult education sector turned to institutional accreditation as a method of allocating funding. Programmes that lead to an accredited qualification were funded at higher rates than those that don’t. However, this system said little about educational processes or the social goods that they produced. The emphasis on results reinforced individualism and undermined building social capital. Despite this, advocates of bottom-up NFE continue to seek new …
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